Rakomelo Hot Toddy

Rakomelo Hot Toddy

Rakomelo Hot Toddy, the ideal hot drink for winter, and did you know that Rakomelo was voted a top 10 warming winter drink by The Guardian and what better way to celebrate this than by a hot toddy.

"When winter arrives in Greece, locals turn to rakomelo"

And it's actually how the majority of Greeks enjoy it during Fall and Winter, warming it up straight or with a bit of water, to craft a delicious and perfect pairing, we like to cal this the King of the Hot Toddy!


Yield: serves 2


  • 2 oz Mastrogiannis Rakomelo 
  • 2 cups Boiling Water 
  • 1 tbs Honey
  • 1 oz Lemon Juice
  • 2 Cinnamon Sticks 
  • 2 Whole Cloves
  • 2 lemon Slices 


    1. Place 1 cup of water in each mug and add cinnamon sticks and cloves, let it steep for couple of minutes. Then add honey, lemon juice and Rakomelo. Stir gently and garnish with a lemon slice.