Elevating Your Beverage Alcohol Brand with Matt McGinnis of Big Thirst

Elevating Your Beverage Alcohol Brand with Matt McGinnis of Big Thirst

Welcome back, fellow spirits enthusiasts, to another captivating episode of Distillery Nation Podcast!

In the latest of the Distillery Nation Podcast, we sit down with Matt McGinnis, the President and Founder of Big Thirst, a full-service company specializing in the beverage alcohol industry. In this episode, we delve into the fascinating journey of a marketing expert who transitioned from the wine world into the realm of craft spirits.

Matt's journey is an inspiring tale of entrepreneurial spirit and dedication. He started in the wine industry, but as the craft distillery boom took off, he swiftly adapted to help distilleries market and sell their unique products. From his humble beginnings to the thriving business he leads today, Matt shared valuable insights on driving demand for craft beverages.

In our engaging conversation, we covered various topics, including the intricacies of marketing in the alcohol space, the challenges of navigating the off-premises market, and the growth potential of direct-to-consumer sales. Matt's wealth of experience shines through as he offers tips and strategies for distilleries looking to succeed in this competitive industry.


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Listen to the interview on the web



Books mentioned:


 Advice from Matt

"You must understand every facet of the business!"

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